15 févr. 2007

The open-access debate
Bibliographic description:
VOSS, Rüdiger/ Physicsweb. The open-access debate. (On line): Physicsweb,
( available at: http://physicsweb.org/articles/world/20/1/4/1 )

Dublin Core desciption:
DC Title: The open-access debate
DC Creator: VOSS, Rüdiger
DC Subject: open access, scientific community, self-archiving, open-access revolution, Internet, journal publishers,
DC Description: Publishers are under increasing pressure to make journal papers free to all by abolishing subscriptions and making authors pay a fee instead. Rüdiger Voss welcomes the benefits that "open access" publishing brings, while John Enderby warns that this new publishing model comes at a price.
DC Publisher: Physicsweb
DC Contributor:
DC Date:
January 2007
DC Type: Article
DC Format: web siteDC
Identifier: http://physicsweb.org/articles/world/20/1/4/1
DC Language: En
DC Relation: arXiv.org
DC Coverage: International
DC Rights: All rights reserved

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