3 mai 2007

Budapest Open Access Initiative

Full text
The Budapest Open Access Initiative arises from a small but lively meeting convened in Budapest by the Open Society Institute (OSI) on December 1-2, 2001. The purpose of the meeting was to accelerate progress in the international effort to make research articles in all academic fields freely available on the internet. The participants represented many points of view, many academic disciplines, and many nations, and had experience with many of the ongoing initiatives that make up the open access movement. In Budapest they explored how the separate initiatives could work together to achieve broader, deeper, and faster success. They explored the most effective and affordable strategies for serving the interests of research, researchers, and the institutions and societies that support research. Finally, they explored how OSI and other foundations could use their resources most productively to aid the transition to open access and to make open-access publishing economically self-sustaining. The result is the Budapest Open Access Initiative. It is at once a statement of principle, a statement of strategy, and a statement of commitment.

Bibliographic description:

CHAN, Leslie it ali /Budapest Open Access Initiative. (On line). Soros, (Available at: http://www.soros.org/openaccess/index.shtml ), February 14, 2002

Description according to Dublin Core

DC Title
: Budapest Open Access Initiative
DC Creator: CHAN, Leslie it ali
DC Subject: The purpose of the Budapest Open Access Initiative, is accelerate progress in the international effort to make research articles in all academic fields freely available on the internet.To  explore the most effective and affordable strategies for serving the interests of research, researchers, and the institutions and societies that support research.
DC Plubisher: Soros.org
DC Contributor:
DC Date:,2002/02
DC Type: Article
DC Format: html
DC Identifier: http://www.soros.org/openaccess/index.shtml
DC Language: En
DC Relation:
DC Coverage: Universel
DC Rights: All rights according

29 mars 2007

L'Open Access (1) - L'engagement des scientifiques

Bibliographic description

GUHA, Kumar. L'Open Access (1) - L'engagement des scientifiques. (On line), ECOLE NATIONALE DES PONTS ET CHAUSSEES (available at: http://www.enpc.fr/fr/documentation/doc_electronique/dossier_openaccess.htm), 2006, ENPC.

Description according to Dublin Core:

DC Title: L'Open Access (1) - L'engagement des scientifiques

DC Creator: GUHA, Kumar


DC Description

DC Contributor

DC Type: Dossier

DC Date: 2006/01/16

DC Format: HTM

DC Identifier : http://www.enpc.fr/fr/documentation/doc_electronique/dossier_openaccess.htm


DC Language: fr

DC Relation: http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4193292,00.html .


http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/staff/kantelman/do_open_access_CRL.pdf , http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/00001426/ .

DC Rights:

DC Coverage: France

15 mars 2007

Le Libre Accès (Open Access) : partager les résultats de la recherche.

Bibliographic description
Gallezot Gabriel. Le Libre Accès (Open Access) : partager les résultats de la recherche. (On line): @rchiveSic, (available at:http://archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr/docs/00/06/26/09/PDF/sic_00001416.pdf ). 2005, Université de Nice, URFIST- Nice,

Description according to Dublin Core:

DC Title: Le Libre Accès (Open Access) : partager les résultats de la recherche
DC Creator: Gallezot Gabriel
DC Subject: Open Access, scientific communication, scientific information, Open Archive,
DC Description: This text presents Open Access movement. After having replaced this movement in scientific communication context, the authors consider his definition and the associated goals, in particular his implementation and the nature of the documents be able to share. The development of Open Access mouvement is observed through its use in France and the Open Archive example.
DC Contributor:
DC Date: 2005/05/04
DC Type: Article
DC Format: PDF
DC Identifier: http://archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr/docs/00/06/26/09/PDF/sic_00001416.pdf
DC Source: @rchiveSic
DC Language: En
DC Relation: http://oasic.ccsd.cnrs.fr/
DC Coverage: France
DC Rights: All rights according

8 mars 2007

Between open access and copyright: document supply in France

Bibliographic description
SchöpfeL, Joachim
/@rchiveSic. Between open access and copyright: document supply in France. (On line) @rchiveSic. (Available at: http://archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr/index.php?halsid=018c4d8ce68fcc196a6662cf1335f157&view_this_doc=sic_00001605&version=1

Description according to Dublin Core:
DC Title: Between open access and copyright: document supply in France
DC Creator: SchöpfeL, Joachim
DC Subject: Scientific and technical information, document supply, interlibrary loan, copyright, France
DC Description: The article provides an update on the situation of document supply and interlibrary loan in France in the first months of 2005. The main topics are open access to scientific information, consortial purchasing, national archives, portals, electronic delivery and legal issues. Some evidence is given on the impact of electronic journals on document supply.
DC Plubisher: @rchiSic
DC Contributor:
DC Date: 2005/05/04
DC Type: Article
DC Format: PDF
DC Identifier:
DC Source: @rchiveSic
DC Language: En
DC Relation:
DC Coverage:
DC Rights: All rights according

15 févr. 2007

The open-access debate
Bibliographic description:
VOSS, Rüdiger/ Physicsweb. The open-access debate. (On line): Physicsweb,
( available at: http://physicsweb.org/articles/world/20/1/4/1 )

Dublin Core desciption:
DC Title: The open-access debate
DC Creator: VOSS, Rüdiger
DC Subject: open access, scientific community, self-archiving, open-access revolution, Internet, journal publishers,
DC Description: Publishers are under increasing pressure to make journal papers free to all by abolishing subscriptions and making authors pay a fee instead. Rüdiger Voss welcomes the benefits that "open access" publishing brings, while John Enderby warns that this new publishing model comes at a price.
DC Publisher: Physicsweb
DC Contributor:
DC Date:
January 2007
DC Type: Article
DC Format: web siteDC
Identifier: http://physicsweb.org/articles/world/20/1/4/1
DC Language: En
DC Relation: arXiv.org
DC Coverage: International
DC Rights: All rights reserved

6 févr. 2007

Open Access: An Introduction

Open Access: An Introduction:

Bibliographic description
JEFFERY, G Keith / Open Access: An Introduction. (On line) ERCIM NEWS edition (Available at: http://www.ercim.org/publication/Ercim_News/enw64/jeffery.html )
Open Access (OA) means that electronic scholarly articles are available freely at the point of use. The subject has been discussed for over 10 years, but has reached a crescendo of discussion over the last few years with various declarations in favour of OA from groups of researchers or their representatives. The UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee considered the issue in 2004, reporting in the summer in favour of OA. This indicates the importance of the issue, and led to statements from large research funding bodies such as the Welcome Trust and the Research Councils UK.
MotivationsEthics: There is an ethical argument that research funded by the public should be available to the public. Since research is an international activity, this crosses national boundaries.
Research Impact: The Internet provides an opportunity. Modern harvesting techniques and search engines make it possible to discover publications of relevance if they are deposited in an OA repository with a particular metadata standard. If all authors did this then the world of research would be available 'at the fingertips'. There is evidence that articles available in an OA repository have more accesses (readers), citations and therefore impact. Costs: There is concern over the hindrance to research caused by the cost of journal subscriptions, whether electronic or paper. These costs run well above the rate of inflation with the result that libraries with restricted budgets (ie all of them!) are no longer providing many journals needed by researchers.
Just reward: There is also concern that in traditional scholarly publishing, most of the work (authoring, reviewing, editing) is done freely by the community and that the publishers make excessive profits from the actual publishing (making available) process. In conventional publishing, the institution subscribes to the publication channel to obtain electronic access or paper copies.

Description according to Dublin Core:

DC Title: Open Access: An Introduction
DC Creator: Jeffery, Keith G
DC Subject: Open Access (OA), electronic publishing, Open Access Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), metadata, Commons Science, Commons Technology.
DC Description: After an introduction of the open access to the scientific publication, this document give a motivation to depose in open archives, the types of open access, barriers, and the open archives advantages .
DC Plubisher: ERCIM NEWS edition
DC Contributor:
DC Date:
DC Type: Article
DC Format: HTML
DC Identifier:
DC Language: En
DC Relation: Self-archiving FAQ:
Bibliography of OA Advantage:
American Scientist Open Access Forum: http://amsci-forum.amsci.org/ archives/American-Scientist-Open-Access-Forum.html
DC Coverage: International
DC Rights: All rights according

5 févr. 2007

Glossary of Open access

Glossary of Open access

Open archives: The term open archive designates a data repository generated via scientific research and teaching, accessible over the Internet and that is freely accessible. This openness is made possible by the use of protocols enabling interoperability with other servers. You can archive pre-publications, as well as official publications, if you respect certain conditions defined by publishers

Archive ouverte: Le terme archive ouverte désigne un réservoir de données issues de la recherche scientifique et de l'enseignement, accessible sur Internet et dont l'accès est ouvert. Cette ouverture est rendue possible par l'utilisation de protocoles qui permettent une interopérabilité avec d'autres serveurs. On peut archiver des pré-publications, aussi bien que des publications officielles, tout en respectant certaines conditions des éditeurs

Open access :The international output of researchers made available over the public Internet, by the researchers themselves or their dependents, associated with the right to read, copy, download, use, print, and distribute the output, or for any other licit purpose, without financial, legal, or technical limitations. The only legitimate concern imposed on the reuse, distribution, or highlighting of the documents is the recognition of the author(s)' authorship, the guarantee that the authors can control the integrity of their work, and the right to be correctly recognized and cited.

Libre accès :Production intellectuelle des chercheurs mise à disposition sur l'Internet public, par eux-mêmes ou par leurs ayants droits, associée au droit de la lire, la copier, la télécharger, l'utiliser, l'imprimer, la distribuer, ou de s'en servir pour un logiciel, ou à toute autre fin licite, sans limitation financière, juridique ou technique. La seule et légitime condition imposée à la réutilisation, la diffusion, la mise en valeur de ces documents est la reconnaissance de la paternité de leur(s) auteur(s), la garantie aux auteurs d'un contrôle sur l'intégrité de leurs travaux et le droit à être correctement reconnus et cités.

Interoperability: The ability of two or more systems, or components to exchange information, and to use the information that has been exchanged

Interopérabilité : l’interopérabilité est la capacité de différents systèmes informatiques à dialoguer entre eux, à communiquer sans ambiguïté et ainsi interpréter des informations correctement.

Harvester: A harvester is a program that collects metadata from one or more OAI open archives or warehouses (databases that support the OAI-PMH protocol).

Moissonneur : Un moissonneur est un programme qui permet la collecte de métadonnées auprès d'une ou plusieurs archives ouvertes ou entrepôts OAI (base de données qui supporte le protocole OAI-PMH).

: Set of structured data describing physical or digital resources, for the purpose of sharing the information and for the interoperability of electronic resources (e.g. date, author, title, journal name, etc.)

Métadonnées : Ensemble de données structurées décrivant des ressources physiques ou numériques, permettant le partage de l'information et l'interopérabilité des ressources électroniques (ex. : date, auteur, titre, nom du journal, etc.)

Postprint: Version of an article after evaluation by peers, generally accepted for publication. There are both the final version submitted by the author to the publisher (final draft post-refereeing) and the definitive versions published by the publisher at its site. Very few publishers authorize self-archiving of their version.

Postpublication : Version d'un article après évaluation par les pairs, généralement acceptée pour publication. On peut distinguer la version finale soumise par l'auteur à l'éditeur (final draft post-refereeing) et la version définitive publiée par l'éditeur sur son site. Très peu d'éditeurs autorisent l'auto-archivage de leur version

Self-archiving: Submission of scientific output by the author on a public server, preferably in an open archive. In November 2004, 39% of researchers were using self-archiving. http://www.inria.fr/publications/archiveouverte/lexique.en.html

Auto-archivage : Dépôt par l'auteur de sa production scientifique sur un serveur public, de préférence sur une archive ouverte. En novembre 2004, 39% des chercheurs pratiquaient déjà l'auto-archivage

Berlin Declaration: Declaration on free access to knowledge in the sciences and humanities, signed on October 22, 2003 by managers at European universities and research institutes, who commit to developing free to research results

Déclaration de Berlin
: Déclaration sur le libre accès à la connaissance en sciences exactes, sciences de la vie, sciences humaines et sociales, signée le 22 octobre 2003 par des responsables d'universités et d'instituts de recherche européens, qui s'engagent à développer le libre accès aux résultats de la recherche

OAI (Open Archive Initiative): Protocol that ensures the interoperability of various open archives. This protocol describes techniques for querying databases and their description. The term "open archives" refers both to access open to all, and to the open systems underlying the search engines for globally indexing (harvesting) publicationshttp://www.inria.fr/publications/archiveouverte/lexique.en.html

OAI (Open Archive Initiative) : Protocole permettant d'assurer l'interopérabilité des différentes archives ouvertes. Ce protocole décrit des techniques pour l'interrogation des bases de données et leur description. Le terme "archives ouvertes" fait alors référence à la fois à l'accès ouvert à tous, et à l'ouverture des systèmes sous-jacents aux moteurs de recherche pour indexer (harvester) globalement les publications. http://www.inria.fr/publications/archiveouverte/lexique.fr.html

Creative commons: Licenses which authorize in advance the public to make certain use of information according to conditions set forth by the author. The purpose is not to provide technical protection to the works licensed to Creative Commons, but to offer the public information about the rights and uses granted at no cost: private copies and legal exceptions are preserved, as well as sharing over peer-to-peer file exchange networks, reproduction, distribution, public presentation, sometimes modification, etc.

Creative commons:
Licences qui permettent d'autoriser à l'avance le public à effectuer certaines utilisations selon les conditions exprimées par l'auteur. Il ne s'agit pas d'assurer une protection technique aux œuvres placées sous licence Creative Commons, mais de proposer au public une information sur les droits et utilisations consenties à titre gratuit : copie privée et exceptions légales sont préservées, mais aussi partage sur les réseaux d'échange de fichiers (peer-to-peer), reproduction, distribution, représentation publique, parfois modification.

Dublin Core : Standard for the simple description of electronic information resources. The Dublin Core standard includes a set of 16 items (such as the title, author, format, language, or audience) used to simply but efficiently describe an electronic information resource http://dublincore.org/documents/usageguide/qualifiers.shtml

Dublin Core
: Norme de description simple des ressources d'information électronique. La norme Dublin Core comprend un jeu de 16 éléments (comme le titre l'auteur, le format, la langue ou l'audience) qui permettent de décrire de manière simple mais efficace une ressource d'information électronique

Green publishers: Classification for differentiating reviews according to their editorial policy:

Editeurs green : Classification permettant de distinguer les revues suivant la politique éditoriale: